Daniel Cifuentes, Director
1601 NW 13th Court Miami, FL 33125

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) University of Miami
This parenting education program serves families with children ages 2-12 with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and/or chronic illnesses. Activities enhance parent-child relationships, increase effective discipline and reduce parental stress.
Phone: (305) 243-7550
Fax: (305) 243-7548
Email: jjent@med.miami.edu

Parent to Parent of Miami Inc.
Designed especially for families of children and adults with disabilities, this program offers peer support and a series of educational workshops that encourage parents and the community to advocate for children's rights. Participants emerge confident and with a sense of cohesiveness that allows them to effectively access the services they and their children need.
Phone: (305) 271-9797
Fax: (305) 271-6628
Email: fgarcia@ptopmiami.org

Positive Parenting Program - The ARC of South Florida
Serving families in Florida City and West Kendall, ARC's Positive Parenting program gifts parents and caregivers with the knowledge they need to help prevent behavioral, emotional and developmental problems in their children ages 2-12. Five group parenting sessions, three individual phone consultations and at least one community resource follow-up over an eight-week period from trained, accredited professionals empowers participants to make informed, healthy and effective parenting decisions. Groups run simultaneously in English and Spanish; structured child care services and nutritious family meals are provided on session nights.
Phone: (305) 759-8500
Fax: (305) 754-9223
Email: lauras@arcsofla.org

Early Discovery - University of Miami
This program ensures that children ages 0-5 with mild developmental delays who do not meet eligibility requirements for Part B or Part C are able to receive appropriate and necessary interventions. Services provided include 12-16 sessions of occupational therapy, behavior therapy, speech therapy and/or developmental interventions. Services are provided at early learning centers, in the home or at other convenient locations in the community.
Phone: (305) 243-4617
Fax: (305) 243-6921
Email: sgoncz@med.miami.edu

Unleashing Creative Potential - United Community Options of South Fl
Provides literacy instruction, physical fitness, social-emotional learning, health and nutrition education, homework assistance, arts and culture activities and STEM; family involvement encouraged; serving children/youth with special needs, alongside their typically developing peers.

Dance As A Vehicle To Success - Thomas Armour Youth Ballet
Instruction in ballet, tap and modern dance; ballet clothing, and ballet and tap shoes provided; this is an inclusive program that mainstreams children with special needs.
Phone: 305.667.5543
Email: camila@thomasarmouryouthballet.org

Easterseals South Florida
Serving children with disabilities (CWD) and their typically developing peers who struggle either academically or behaviorally in the classroom; fitness, nutrition education, social/life skills, arts, reading and academic support; healthy meals provided.

A prescribed Pediatric Extended Care center, has been caring for children ages newborn to 21 whose conditions require continuous PPEC nursing services, education, and therapeutic care. We work to help stabilize and improve a medically fragile child’s condition and to assist their family. Parents get help so they can return to work, go back to school, or care for their other children.